Dawe's Poultry Probiotic - $11.25 EA

Product ID: 10DPP
Blend of probiotic bacteria selected to establish and maintain a healthy, normal gut nutrition.
DPP is a proprietary blend of probiotic bacteria selected to establish and maintain a healthy, normal gut microflora in poultry. These poultry-specific strains were selected for colonizing ability, stability, and their beneficial effects on bird performance and health. They are proven strains that have been tested under commercial conditions for up to 14 years and in over 200 million birds. In many cases, antibiotic use has been eliminated.

Use from day 1 through day 21, then a minimum of 3-4 days per month, or during periods of stress.

In Water:
Mix fresh daily. Use non-chlorinated water if possible.
For large flocks, mix one 3-ounce (85 g) pack per 128 gallons of water.
For small flocks, use 1 teaspoon (3.3 g) per 5 gallons of drinking water.

In Feed:
Use ¼ pound per ton of finished feed (mash), or use DPP-FG at 1 lb/ton in pelleted feed.



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