
Product ID: 1J
This red cross is more of a heritage broiler with slower grow out. 5-6 lbs in 11-13 wks
Two weeks slower than the Red Bro. This red broiler cross is more of a heritage/heavy muscle body frame & long keel bone. Red feathered, yellow shanks & beak with a large red comb. Growth rate 11-13 wks

Males only

Minimum Order Quantity:  25

Red Ranger Male


Sex 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-299 300+ Quantity Hatch Date
Straight Run $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00 
Min: 15
Male $4.10  $3.40  $2.70  $2.10  $1.97 
Min: 15
Female $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00 
Min: 15

Recomended Add-Ons:

Marek's Vaccine - $0.18/Chick

Marek's vaccination

Grow Gel Plus DPP - $4.25

1 PACKET WILL TREAT 100 CHICKS -Can be used multiple times for small orders. This unique formula of proteins, peptides, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and probiotic bacteria is formulated for day old poultry to improve the chick health. Give upon arrival of chicks, and also can be used at a later time.

StresEEZ Plus - $9.75

Water-dispersible source of vitamins, trace minerals, and electrolytes. 6oz pack per 128gal of water/ 1 GALLON DOSAGE: 1/4 tsp powder to 1 gal of drinking water.

Optional Vaccination's are preformed at the hatchery.
GroGel and Vitamin packs may be shipped with the birds or shipped separately before your birds arrive.

Hatch Dates Go Back More Shipping Dates
SEX (10/16) (10/23) (10/30) (11/6) (11/13) (11/20) (11/27) (12/4) (12/11) (12/18)
Straight Run
Limited availablity (we will call you if your order is affected)
Not Available

FIRST DAY INSTRUCTIONS: have a clean draft free pen with fresh water and new feed. When baby poultry arrives make sure they drink water then give them feed. A one foot high chick guard should be used around chicks brooding area to keep them near the heat source and stop any drafts, it can be taken away after 10 days.

for the first week at chick height should be 90-95 degrees. Decrease the temperature 5 degrees per week until temperature of 65 is reached. A brooder lamp (heat bulb) 4 bulb, 250-watt is sufficient for 300 chicks; lesser amounts can be brooded with a single lamp.

WATCH THE BEHAVIOR: to determine if it’s warm enough. When cold they will be loud and huddle close together, if comfortable they will be reasonably quiet and will be eating, drinking or sleeping.

BEDDING: use 2 to 4 inches of dry litter, such as pine wood shavings, chopped straw or other appropriate bedding, do not use newspaper or other slick material, this can cause legs to slip out from underneath them and cause serious leg problems. Do not use bedding such as cedar chips, treated shavings, large thick wood chips or dusty sawdust.

FEED & WATER: Use a good starter feed, (local feed dealer) then switch to a grower feed. Two 1-gallon waters and two 24-inch feeders per 100 chicks when they are little and then use larger waters and feed containers as they get older. When weather permits and the young poultry are old enough you can let them outside. Granite grit helps their digestive system for meat birds.

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